
The "My Branding" subsection within the Admin Panel of Partnerplace is designed for vendors to customize the visual aspects of the platform to align with their organization's branding guidelines. This encompasses the uploading of logos, selection of color schemes, and font styles.

Key Functionalities

  1. Logo Upload:
    • Upload your company's logo to be displayed on the platform, enhancing brand recognition.
  2. Color Scheme Customization:
    • Set the primary color scheme that will be used throughout the portal.
    • Define colors for button text, call-to-action (CTA) gradients, and primary buttons to ensure consistency with your brand's color palette.
  3. Font Selection:
    • Choose a font from the dropdown menu that best matches your branding.
    • This font will be used for text throughout the portal.


If you don't want to see the gradient in the buttons simply specify the same color two times.

Steps for customization

  1. Uploading the Brand Logo:
    • Click the "Upload Image" button under the "Upload your Brand Logo" section.
    • Select the appropriate image file from your device that meets the portal's size and format requirements.
  2. Setting the Color Scheme:
    • Click on the color square next to each element (Button Text Color, CTA Gradient, Primary) to open the color picker.
    • Choose a color or enter the hex code for your brand's specific colors.
  3. Selecting the Font:
    • Use the "Font" dropdown menu to select the font that will be used for text on the portal.
  4. Saving Branding Changes:
    • Once all elements are customized, click the "Save Branding" button to apply these changes.
    • If you decide not to keep the changes, click the "Cancel & Discard" button to revert to the previous settings.


When choosing the color you will see the RGB selector. On the right you can switch to HEX / HSL.


Issue: Logo not uploading.

Solution: Ensure the image file is in the correct format (e.g., .jpg, .png) and does not exceed the maximum upload size. If problems persist, try a different browser or contact support.

Issue: Color changes not saving.

Solution: Double-check that you've clicked "Save Branding" after making changes. If the issue continues, clear your browser cache and try again.

Issue: Selected font not displaying correctly.

Solution: Verify the font is supported by the portal. Some custom fonts may not be available due to licensing restrictions or compatibility.


Customizing the branding on the Partnerplace portal helps maintain a consistent and professional look that resonates with your company's identity. By taking advantage of the Branding functionality, you can ensure that every aspect of your portal reflects your branding, thus enhancing the user experience for partners and administrators alike. Regularly updating and reviewing these settings will keep your portal's appearance fresh and aligned with any changes in your branding strategy.

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