Core commission management for Vendors

Included in the core modules, we have an easy way to keep track of commissions. To understand how it works, it helps to understand the lead status / stage flows.

The lead status is changed ONLY by the Vendor and you can think of it as a lead approval / qualification process. It starts at status "New" and can be changed to "Requires more info", "Accepted" or "Rejected". Once accepted, the lead stages can be changed. The goal for each lead is to move them from the "Early" stage to "Won" (or "Lost"). Once status "Won" is achieved, the Lead status automatically changes to "Ready for payout". The Vendor can then change it to "Paid out" or "Recurring payment".

  1. Ready for payout - this status signals that the lead has been won, therefore the partner should receive a commission. When this payment happens depends on the situation. Some partnerships payout monthly or quarterly, some on request. Some also require you to have a minimum commission before payout.
  2. Paid out - this status signals that the lead has already been paid for and will no longer have any monetary benefits related to it.
  3. Recurring payment - switch to this status when you want to keep a reminder that this lead should be periodically checked for invoices and that future commission might still occur.

As a Vendor periodically (every month or quarter) you should go into the lead list and filter out the leads in the "Ready for payout" and Recurring payment" statuses. This will help you keep track of commissions that still need to be paid.

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