
These functions are available only to the vendors.

Partnerplace offers an elastic way to manage commission types. You can create as many different variations as you need. They can be assigned to the partner tier level, partner level, or even lead level. The vendor can change the assigned commission at any time.

Our platform allows you to create:

  1. Single time commissions - e.g. 50 Eur paid one time after winning the deal
  2. Percentage based commissions set in time
  3. Percentage based commissions forever
  4. A mix of the above

Change to a different commission

There are multiple ways of adding and editing commissions. You can do it by:

  1. Visiting the admin panel
  2. Editing the partner details
  3. Editing the lead details

Editing through the admin panel

  1. Go to the admin panel in the main menu on the left
  2. Click on the partner types
  3. Select a partner type
  4. Open the Commission dropdown and select one or click on Add new commission

Important: This is the only place where you can not only add a new commission, but also edit an old one.

Editing through the partner details

  1. Go to the partner list page
  2. Select a partner and go to their details page
  3. Click on edit partner (in the top right)
  4. On the first screen (Basic Partner Details) click on the "Commission" dropdown

Editing through the lead details

  1. Go to the lead list page
  2. Select a lead and open it
  3. Click on the "Commission" dropdown

Adding a new commission

  1. First you need to assign a name - this is the name the vendor sees when selecting a commission. It is not visible to the partner.
  2. You can add a "One time fee" - this is a commission that will only be used once. If you don't want to use it simply leave it blank or type in "0".
  3. In the field "When lead stage is" you define at which stage the partner should receive the commission. Typically this happens when the deal is won, but if you want you can select a different stage (for ex. to pay out 50 Eur for every lead submitted, even if it doesn't result in a won deal).

Important: Regardless of the selected lead stage, the commission is only calculated when a lead's status is "Accepted".

Tip: The name should be descriptive. For ex. "50 Eur + 5% for 1 year" is better than "Standard". This name is not visible to the partners, so you should choose one that will be easy to identify.

Tip: While we recommend to only pay commission for won leads, you might want to incentivize the simple fact of adding a lead. In this case make sure you change the lead stage to a different setting. Please note, this can result in commissions being paid for poor quality leads.

  1. You can also add a recurring commission by clicking on the "+Add recurring commission" button below.
  2. You will be able to then add one or many lines of recurring commissions. Please look at the example below for inspiration:

Tip: If you want to pay commissions forever, just add 999 Years as the value.

Important: Please note the recurring commission will work together with the "Single time fee". This means that if the single time fee is 500 Eur and the recurring commission is set to 5%, the partner will receive both the 500 Eur and 5% for each invoice.

Inspiration: Increasing the commission you are offering your partners doesn't automatically translate to more deals. Many of the Partner Managers claim they get much better results not by raising commissions, but by adding services - offering more support to the partner, providing them with sales assistance, more educational materials, etc.

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