Partner list core module

The Partner List core module in Partnerplace is designed to manage and analyze your business's partner relationships. It offers a centralized list where you can track and sort information such as partner names, their managers, types, tiers, the number of leads, revenue, and potential lead value.

Accessing Partner List: Click on the 'Partner List' button on the left-hand navigation panel to view your list of partners.

Viewing Partner Details: A summary of each partner's details is displayed in a row. This includes the partner's name, manager, type, tier, the number of leads, won revenue, potential lead value, and current status.


The exclamation mark (!) on the left side of any partner name, indicates a changes in partner details or a new entry in their timeline

Sorting and Filtering:

    • Sorting: Click on any column header, such as 'No. of Leads' or 'Won Revenue,' to sort the list based on that column.
    • Filtering: Use the dropdown menus above the list (e.g., 'Country', 'City', 'Partner Manager') to filter the partners displayed according to your selection.
    • Reset Filters: If you have applied any filters, you can reset them by clicking the 'Reset Filters' button.

Inviting Partners: To invite new partners, click the 'Invite Partner' button located on the top right corner.

Adding Details: To input or update details for a new partner, click on their name or the 'Details' button.

Navigation Tips:

    • Use the search bar to quickly find a specific partner. Type in the query and hit "Enter". To cancel the search, empty the searchbar and hit "Enter".
    • Use the '<<' and '>>' buttons to navigate through multiple pages of the partner list if available.


  • Missing partner information: If some information is labeled 'N/D' (No Data), it may indicate that the details have not been entered or are currently unavailable.
  • Unable to sort/filter: Ensure that you are clicking on the correct headers or using the dropdown menus properly. If issues persist, refresh the page or log out and log back in.
  • Invitations not sent: If you encounter problems sending invitations to partners, check your internet connection, and ensure you have the correct email addresses. If the problem persists, contact support on
  • Data not updating: After adding or updating partner information, if changes are not reflected, try refreshing the page. If this does not work, clear your browser's cache.
  • Found bugs? Contact us on

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