Partner details for vendors

The "Partner details" section within the Partnerplace portal provides in-depth information about individual partners. It includes several sections of partner information, such as commission, type, tier, manager, status, lead list, general information, additional information, and a timeline for notes and comments.

Accessing Partner Details

From the "Partner List," click on a specific partner's name to view their detailed profile.

Overview of Partner Details:

    • View basic information such as Commission, Partner Type, Partner Tier, Partner Manager, Partner Status, and Website Link.
    • The "Lead List" section shows associated leads with their revenue, potential value, creation date, status, and stage.
    • "General Information" includes data on the partner's workers and offices.
    • "Additional Information" might contain a list of clients and a company description.

Adding Leads:

    • To add new leads, click the "Add New Lead" button.

Editing Partner Information:

    • To modify partner details, click the "Edit Partner" button.
    • Update details such as logo, name, type, tier, commission, status, manager, website link, client list, etc.
    • Proceed through the steps by clicking "Next" until all changes are completed.

Using the Timeline:

    • The timeline can be used to add comments, files or internal notes related to the partner.
    • To add a comment, click in the "Add comment..." box, type your note, and post it.

Saving Changes:

    • After editing details, make sure to save changes by navigating through the editing steps and clicking the final confirmation button.


Issue: Changes to partner details not saving.

Solution: Ensure you've clicked through all the editing steps and confirmed the changes. Check your internet connection and permissions.

Issue: Timeline comments not posting.

Solution: Confirm there is no network issue. If persistent, log out, clear browser cache, and try again.


The partner details section is vital for maintaining accurate records and communication regarding each partner within the Partnerplace portal. Regular updates and notes can lead to better relationship management and streamlined operations. The edit function allows for real-time updates, ensuring all partner information remains current and relevant.

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