Core and addon modules

At Partnerplace we believe that every partnership is unique. This is why we decided that one of our company values would be "Elastic" - to remind us that we need to deliver a tool that is flexible enough to fit existing processes.

In an ideal world (which we are aiming for) we want to deliver a platform that you can tailor to your needs. Because of this we decided to split our system into different modules, which you can plug and play to construct your perfect partnership space.

The modules are split into two types:

  1. Core modules - these elements are available to all of our customers, regardless of the pricing tier. They are the base processes of the system and allow you to: manage parters, their types & tiers, commissions, leads and their statuses. You cannot turn off these modules, but then...why would you?
  2. Addon modules - these are the plug and play features of our system (e.g. partner directory or whitelabeling). You get to decide which ones fit your processes and which one will help you get the most from your partnerships. The modules are available to all Vendors, we don't limit them to different payment tiers. The only limitation is the number of addon modules that you can choose from - it will depend on the pricing tier you have selected.

Note: at any stage you are free to change the addon modules that you choose to use. The only limit is the total number of modules available in your pricing tier.

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