Statuses and stages explained

To understand the difference between statuses and stages it is worth analyzing this diagram:

The lead statuses can only be changed by the Vendor and you can think of it as a lead approval / qualification process.

The lead stage is changed by the Vendor or Partner depending on the settings selected by the Vendor.

Each time a status or stage of a lead is changed by one side, the other will receive an e-mail notification of the change.

Available lead statuses

  1. New - this is the default status for each lead. When a lead is submitted into the system, it will automatically be marked as "New" until the Vendor changes it's status.
  2. Requires more info - sometimes the submitted leads do not contain enough information to be qualified. Maybe they are missing the contact information, maybe there is no info on the challenges - only when you add these missing pieces will the Vendor approve the lead.
  3. Accepted - when the lead status is changed to "Accepted" the lead stage is unlocked and can be modified by the Partner / Vendor or both (depending on how the Vendor sets up the partnership)
  4. Rejected - the Vendor has the right to disapprove your lead. This may be due to lack of information, inaccuracy or the fact that another partner has already submitted it and has priority.
  5. Ready for payout - this status signals that the lead has been won, therefore the partner can receive a commission. When this payment happens depends on the situation. Some partnerships payout monthly or quarterly, some on request. Some also require you to have a minimum commission before payout.
  6. Paid out - this status signals that the lead has already been paid for and will no longer have any monetary benefits related to it.
  7. Recurring payment - this status signals that this lead should be periodically checked for invoices and that future commission might still occur.

Tip: For Vendor: When changing status to "Requires more info" add a note in the timeline what is missing. It will help you streamline your work with the partner.

Tip: For Vendor: When changing status to "Rejected" add a note in the timeline to explain why was this decision made. As a best-practice, you can add a short comment on what would have to change in the future to avoid leads being rejected.

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