Configuring your Webhooks

To configure your webhook for Partnerplace, follow these steps:

1. Set Webhook URL

  1. Go to the Administrator Panel.
  2. Navigate to the Integrations section.
  3. Click on the Enable Webhook button to turn on the module.
  4. Once enabled, the Webhook Status, will change to Active

  5. In the Webhook URL field, enter the URL of your webhook endpoint.

2. Select Webhook trigger

You can choose when the lead data should be sent to your webhook URL:

  • New: Lead information will be sent from the very beginning, from the moment the leads are created.
  • Accepted: Lead information will only be sent when their status changes to Accepted.

3. Save Webhook configuration

  • Click on the Set Webhook button to save your configuration.

Exemplary Webhook uses:


    • Create a new Zap in Zapier.
    • Choose Webhook as the trigger app.
    • Set the trigger event to Catch Hook.
    • Copy the custom webhook URL provided by Zapier.
    • Paste this URL into the Webhook URL field in Partnerplace.
    • Complete the Zapier setup by configuring the actions you want to take place when the webhook is triggered. For example, add contact to excel, when a new lead is added.

Make (formerly Integromat):

    • Create a new scenario in Make.
    • Add a Webhook module as the trigger.
    • Choose Custom webhook.
    • Copy the custom webhook URL provided by Make.
    • Paste this URL into the Webhook URL field in Partnerplace.
    • Complete the Make scenario setup by adding the desired actions following the webhook trigger.


  1. Invalid Webhook URL:
    • Solution: Ensure that the webhook URL is correctly copied and pasted into the Webhook URL field in Partnerplace. Test the URL separately to ensure it is accessible.
  2. No data received:
    • Solution: Verify that the webhook is correctly set up in your endpoint, for example Zapier or Make. Check that the webhook URL is active and that the receiving service is configured to handle the incoming data.
  3. Data formatting issues:
    • Solution: Ensure that the data sent by Partnerplace is in the format expected by the receiving service. Review the example responses provided in the API documentation.
  4. Webhook not triggering:
    • Solution: Confirm that the lead data meets the criteria for the webhook trigger (e.g., new lead creation or status change to Accepted). Check the webhook logs in Zapier or Make for any error messages.
  5. Connection timeout:
    • Solution: Ensure that the receiving server for the webhook URL is responsive and has sufficient capacity to handle incoming requests. Consider increasing the timeout settings if supported by the receiving service.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you will be able to configure your API and webhook for use with Partnerplace successfully. If you encounter any issues, please contact support at

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