Configuring your domain (Whitelabel)

Configuring your domain for whitelabel use in Partnerplace involves setting up your DNS settings correctly. Follow the steps below to ensure your domain is properly configured.

  1. Go to the Administrator Panel
    • Navigate to the Administrator Panel from the menu on the left.
  2. Open My Branding
    • Under the Administrator Panel, select "My Branding."
  3. Enter Your subdomain for partnerplace
    • In the "Your Domain" section, enter your domain name (e.g., ).
    • Click "Add domain."

  4. Verify DNS Settings
    • After adding your domain in Partnerplace, you need to add these in your DNS settings.

Use the following values:

      • A record: with the name subdomain  and the IP address provided by your service (e.g., ).
      • TXT record: with the name _coalias  and the value verification .
      • TXT record: with the name _vercel  and the value provided for verification.

  1. Check Domain Propagation
    • DNS propagation can take up to 24 hours. You can check the propagation status using a tool like DNSChecker.
    • Make sure the DNS records have been updated correctly. If they haven't propagated yet, you might still see the default A-pointer values and no txt records.
  2. Verify in Partnerplace
    • Once DNS propagation is complete, return to Partnerplace and click "Check" to verify your domain.
  3. Save Branding
    • After successful verification, click "Save Branding" to save your configuration.
    • You can access Partnerplace using your subdomain now.


  • DNS Propagation Delay: DNS changes can take some time to propagate. It can range from 30 minutes to 24 hours, depending on your DNS provider.
  • Incorrect A-pointer Values: Ensure you have set the correct A-pointer values and that they have been refreshed in DNS records.
  • Verification Failure: If the domain verification fails, double-check the DNS records and retry after some time.

By following these steps, you will be able to configure your domain for whitelabel use in Partnerplace successfully. If you encounter any issues, please contact support at

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