Adding a partner user

Adding users to your partner profile in Partnerplace is a crucial step in expanding your team's access to manage partnerships, leads, and other related activities within the platform. This document guides you through the process of adding new users to your partner account.

Hint: We recommend inviting the person managing the partnership + a member of the marketing and sales teams. You can invite as many users as you need.

Steps for adding a new user

  1. Accessing the User Addition Interface:
    • Navigate to the "Partner Details" section from your dashboard.
    • Click on "Add User" in the "General Information" section (below the "Lead list").
  2. Entering User Details:
    • Fill in the "Add new user" field with the user's full name.
    • Provide the user’s email address in the "Add Email Address" field.
    • Select the user’s role from the dropdown menu (optional).
    • If applicable, enter the user’s phone number (optional).
    • Check the box to confirm that the user has agreed to receive an invite to your partner network. This ensures compliance with communication preferences.

Additional information: The role field currently does not limit any access to features. We have included it so that in the future we can create separate roles and manage notifications better.

Best practices for adding users

  • Ensure Accuracy: Double-check the user’s email address and name for correctness to avoid issues with the invite process.
  • Clarify Roles and Permissions: Clearly define the user’s role and permissions to ensure they have the right level of access and responsibilities.
  • Consent Compliance: Always ensure you have consent from the user before adding them to the platform to adhere to privacy laws and regulations.

Troubleshooting common issues

  • Invite Not Received:
    • Check that the user’s email address was entered correctly.
    • Ask the user to check their spam or junk email folder.
  • User Cannot Access Certain Features:
    • Review the roles and permissions assigned to ensure they match the user’s job requirements.
  • Error Messages During Addition:
    • Ensure all required fields are completed and that no format errors have occurred in fields like the email address or phone number. Refresh the page and try again, or check for network issues that might be affecting form submission.

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