Getting Started for partners

Welcome to Partnerplace, a tool to help you grow your business relationships and keep track of leads. This guide is designed to help partners like you get started with navigating and utilizing the platform effectively.

Key Functionalities

  1. Dashboard Overview:
    • Access a quick summary of ongoing activities, recent leads, and partner performance metrics. This is also your single source of truth when it comes to communication and changes.
  2. Lead List Management:
    • Track and manage leads, view their status, estimated value and associated details.
  3. Creating and Managing Leads:
    • Use detailed forms to add new leads and capture specific information critical to the sales process.
  4. Switching Between Vendors:
    • Partners can manage relationships with multiple vendors and switch between them as needed.

Quick Start Steps

  1. Access Your Dashboard:
    • Upon logging in, you will land on your dashboard which gives you an overview of the most recent and relevant activities.
  2. Lead List Navigation:
    • Click on the "Lead List" tab to view and manage your leads. Here, you can sort and filter leads based on various criteria like status, stage, and estimated value.
  3. Add a New Lead:
    • Navigate to "Add Lead" from the sidebar or click the "Create New Lead" button in the Lead List view.
    • Fill out the lead form, ensuring all necessary details are captured, such as client name, tax number, and any relevant challenges or priorities the lead may have.
  4. Editing Lead Information:
    • In the Lead List, click on the details menu next to a lead to edit information or update the lead’s progress.
  5. Switching Between Vendors:
    • To switch between different vendors or manage details related to your vendor relationships, click on your profile at the bottom left corner.
    • From there, you can select different vendors or update your vendor preferences.

Hint: Any changes made in the partner dashboard or lead details will automatically be recorded in the timeline view, your vendor will get notified of them without any additional effort.

Tips for Efficient Use of Partnerplace

  • Regular Updates: Keep lead and partner information up-to-date to ensure effective tracking and management.
  • Utilize Filters: Make the most of filtering options in the Lead List to quickly find the information you need.
  • Profile Management: Regularly update your vendor settings to reflect your current business operations and partnerships.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Problems Adding or Editing Leads:
    • Check for mandatory fields that may not be filled out. Ensure that your account has the necessary permissions to make these changes.
  • Lead Information Not Saving:
    • Confirm all required fields are completed, and check your network connection for stability.

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