Setting up forms

Forms in Partnerplace are designed to collect information from leads or partners. These forms can be customized with a variety of questions and fields to capture the necessary data.

Steps to create and manage Forms

  1. Navigate to Lead Forms:
    • In the Admin Panel, click on "Lead Forms" to start creating or managing your forms.
  2. Create a new Form:
    • Click on "Create Form" to build a new form from scratch.
    • Select the "Partner Type" to associate the form with specific partner categories. The categories can be edited, read how to do it here (link)
    • Optionally, set the form as the default for the selected partner type.

Default form

Whenever a new lead is added for a certain partner type, this form will be the primary one presented for data entry. This ensures that everyone is using the same form template, which can be particularly useful for organizing data and maintaining uniformity in the information collected.

  1. Form customization:
    • Enter a name for the form in the "Form Name" field.
    • Add questions by typing them into the designated fields.
    • Specify the type of response needed (e.g., long answer, numeric value).
    • Include descriptions for internal reference, noting that they will not be visible to the end-user.
  2. Add and edit fields:
    • Use "Add Field" to include additional questions.
    • Choose from system fields like short answer, long answer, numeric value, and others.
    • Edit or delete fields as necessary to ensure the form meets your information-gathering needs.
  3. Save or discard changes:
    • Click "Save Form" to preserve your new form and add it to the list of available forms.
    • If you need to discard your changes, select "Cancel & Discard".

Tips for form management

  • Relevance: Only include fields that are relevant to the information you need to gather.
  • Clarity: Ensure that each question is clear and concise to prevent any confusion for the person filling out the form.
  • Mandatory Fields: Mark essential fields as required to ensure that critical data is not omitted.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Form Not Saving:
    • Confirm all required fields are filled out.
    • Check for network or browser issues that may interrupt the save process.
  • Field Types Not Applicable:
    • Make sure the chosen field type is suitable for the question you're asking.
  • Form Edits Not Reflecting:
    • Refresh the page to ensure that your latest changes are displayed.
    • If issues persist, verify your admin privileges and contact support.


Forms are a vital part of capturing lead and partner data within Partnerplace. By carefully setting up and managing these forms, you can streamline the data collection process, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to manage your partnerships effectively. Regular review and updates to the forms will help in maintaining the accuracy and relevancy of the data collected.

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