Integrating Partnerplace API through Make is a powerful automation platform that allows you to connect Partnerplace with various apps and services to create complex, automated workflows. By integrating Partnerplace through, you can streamline your operations, reduce manual tasks, and ensure that your data flows seamlessly between the platforms you rely on. No coding required!

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Their help center is also a valuable source of information on getting started.:

Step 1: Create an Account on

  1. Go to and sign up for a free account.
  2. Log in to your dashboard.

Step 2: Create a New Scenario

  1. Click on Create a new scenario from your dashboard.

  2. You'll be taken to the scenario builder, where you can start creating your automation.

Step 3: Add Partnerplace as a Trigger

  1. In the scenario builder, click on the + button to add a new module.
  2. You need to use the HTTP module to interact with Partnerplace's API.

  1. Select HTTP > Make a Request as the trigger module.
  2. Set up the request:
    • MethodPOST
    • URL  (for listing all leads) or  (for getting details of a specific lead)
    • Headers:
      • Name: Authorization
      • Value: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
    • Body:
      • If using lead-details , include the lead ID in the request body as JSON:
  "id": "lead_id"

For the list of leads, leave empty.

  1. Run once to test it.

  2. If successful you will see the output with code 200.

Step 4: Add Actions and Integrate with Other Apps

  1. After setting up the trigger, click on the + button to add an action.

  1. Choose the app you want to connect Partnerplace with (e.g., Google Sheets, Slack, or HubSpot).
  2. Configure the action according to your needs (e.g., "Create a new row in Google Sheets" or "Send a message in Slack"). You will have to authenticate the receiving end also, but getting the API key.
  3. You can add multiple actions to the same scenario to create a complex workflow.

Step 5: Set Filters and Conditions (Optional)

  1. Click on the line connecting the trigger to the action to add filters or conditions.
  2. This allows you to specify that the action should only be performed when certain criteria are met (e.g., only trigger when a lead is marked as "Qualified").

Step 6: Test and Activate the Scenario

  1. Once the whole scenario is set, test it again by clicking on Run once. (Same as in the first step, point 5)
  2. Make sure everything works as expected. If needed, adjust the modules or filters.
  3. When you're satisfied, you may set the schedule of actions to make sure the data is fetched in regular time intervals.

  4. Click Activate to make the scenario live.

Example Use Cases:

  • Automatic Reporting: Every time a lead is created in Partnerplace, automatically add it to a Google Sheets document for reporting.

  • Real-Time Notifications: When a lead status changes to "Accepted," send a notification to your Slack channel.

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

Data Formatting Issues:

  • Solution: Ensure that the data sent by Partnerplace is in the format expected by the receiving service. Review the example responses provided in the API documentation.

Authorisation Issues:

  • Solution: Make sure you generated an API key in Integrations settings of Partnerplace.
    • Make sure the Make request Headers follow these format:
        • Name: Authorization
        • Value: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY (you replace YOUR_API_KEY with the key copied from Partnerplace)
    • You may want to regenerate the key if you are certain that the header formatting if correct on the Make side.

If you encounter any further issues, please contact support at

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