Partner details for partners

The "Edit Partner" feature in Partnerplace allows partner to update and manage detailed information regarding their business. This document guides you through the process of accessing and modifying partner's own details.

Steps to Edit Partner Information

  1. Accessing Partner Details:
    • Click the "Edit Partner" button located near the top right of the partner’s profile page.
  2. Navigating the Edit Sections:
    • The edit function is divided into three tabs: "Basic Partner Details," "More Details," and "Offices."
    • Navigate through these tabs to access different sections of the partner's profile.
  3. Editing Basic Details:
    • In the "Basic Partner Details" tab, you can update information such as the partner’s name, logo, and website link.
    • Enter or modify the list of clients associated with the partner.
  4. Adding More Details:
    • Move to the "More Details" tab to edit or add additional information like company descriptions.
    • You can also upload images to enhance the partner’s profile.
  5. Managing Offices:
    • In the "Offices" tab, add new office locations by entering the address, contact name, email, and phone number.
    • Set an office as primary or delete unnecessary office entries.
  6. Saving or Discarding Changes:
    • After making the necessary modifications, click "Next" to review changes or "Save" to immediately update the partner’s information.
    • Use the "Cancel & Discard" button if you wish to exit without saving any changes.

Best Practices for Editing Partner Data

  • Accuracy: Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date to maintain reliable business communications.
  • Completeness: Fill out as many fields as possible to provide a comprehensive view of the partner.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistent formatting and data entry standards across all partner profiles.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Unable to Save Changes:
    • Make sure all required fields (marked with an asterisk *) are completed.
    • Check your internet connection as a poor connection can prevent data from being saved.
  • Error Messages When Adding New Offices:
    • Ensure the address format adheres to the required standards.
    • Verify that all mandatory fields are filled before attempting to add a new office.
  • Issues Uploading Images:
    • Confirm that the image size and format match the platform’s requirements.
    • If the upload fails, try a different image file or check for browser compatibility issues.

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