Getting Started for vendors

Welcome to Partnerplace! This guide is designed to help new users get started with the platform. Partnerplace is a comprehensive partner relationship management portal that allows you to manage partners, leads, and customize your branding and settings.


  • Partner list: View and manage a database of your business partners, filterable by various criteria such as country, city, partner manager, and status.
  • Lead list: Track potential business opportunities, known as leads, and manage details such as associated partners and lead value.
  • Admin panel: Customize the platform settings, manage partner types, lead forms, and your brand's visual identity.

Quick start steps

  1. Log in to Partnerplace:
    • Set up your password in the link provided by Partnerplace or use the "Forgot your password" option to receive a new link. Then log in with your e-mail and newly set password.
  2. Check the currency and add Partner Managers:
    • Go in the admin panel and click on "Main settings"
    • Check if the currency is set to your liking
    • Add one or many Partner Managers

Hint: You can always add the Partner Managers later on, but if you add them at the beginning it will be easier to edit the partners you will add in future steps.

Warning! Changing the currency is only allowed until the first lead is added to the system. Make sure to set it up at the very beginning of your journey.

  1. Set up the partner types, tiers and commissions:
    • Go into the admin panel and click on "Partner types".
    • Set up any number of Partner types.
    • For each one, click on "edit" and add one or many tiers and assign a default commission to each one.

Hint: You can use the same commission for each type/tier. Just select it from the dropdown list after creating the first one.

  1. (optional) Set up a different lead form:
    • In the admin panel go to "Lead forms" and click on "Create new form"
    • Add the fields you feel are needed.

Hint: By default we use the CHAMP (Challenges, Authority, Money, Priority) framework for the lead form, but feel free to use any form fields you like.

Hint: Some form fields are required by the system and will automatically be added. Not all of them will be visible to / editable by the partner. Don't add them in your form. Below is a list of the fields included by default:

  • Lead (Company) name
  • Tax ID
  • Partner name (automatically filled in)
  • Estimated value
  • Lead status
  • Lead stage

Hint: As a best practice add a description to each field that described what you are looking for in an answer. E.g. If you have a field called "Who are you speaking to?", explain if you want them to add the full contact details, tell you the actual name or maybe just the role. This will help you streamline your future work.

  1. (optional) Change your branding:
    • In the admin section, go to "My branding" to change the logo, colors and fonts. Once saved you and your partners will see the updated view.
    • In "Main settings" you can also connect your own e-mail address to send the e-mails from your domain
    • In "Main settings" you can change the domain to fit your brand

Hint: The e-mails sent out from the system will also be affected by the logo, color changes. Your brand will look consistent.

Warning! We strive to make the platform as white-label as possible, but your partners may still sometimes encounter Partnerplace elements e.g. during the registration where they will have to approve the T&C and Privacy Policy. This is a concession we had to make to be compliant with the law.

  1. That's it!
    • Go to "Partner List" to input new partner details or invite partners to the platform.
    • Use "Lead List" to add new leads and configure details for tracking and follow-up.

Key sections of the platform

  1. Partner and lead management:
    • Partner list: Add new partners and manage existing ones. Utilize filters for efficient searching.
    • Lead list: Keep track of leads, add new ones, and update details as needed.
  2. Setting up the admin panel:
    • General settings: Set your system currency and company details. Manage your main admin account here.
    • Add partner managers: Appoint managers to oversee partner relationships.
    • Create & manage partner types: Define partner categories and assign tiers and commissions.
    • Lead forms: Create and edit forms for capturing lead information.
    • My branding: Upload your company logo, choose a color scheme, and set the font to align the portal with your brand identity.


  • If you encounter any issues with saving settings or adding data, ensure all required fields are filled, check your user permissions, refresh the page, or try a different browser. For persistent issues, reach out to Partnerplace support at


Getting started with Partnerplace is straightforward, with intuitive modules for managing partners and leads. The Admin Panel provides powerful tools to customize the platform to your business needs. Regular use and familiarization with these tools will lead to efficient and effective partner relationship management. Welcome aboard, and happy managing!

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