How to add or edit a lead form

A. Adding your first form

  1. Click on Admin Panel and select Lead Forms submenu item. it in the menu on the left

  2. Press Invite Partner in the top right corner, just by the search bar

  3. Fill in Partner Name and Partner Email

  1. Confirm whether the partner has agreed to receive your invite, by ticking the confirmation box

  1. Press Send Invitation
  2. Voilà, you just added your first Partner! You can see the name in Partner List

Remember to fill in the partner details! You can see how to do it in this article


  1. I can't press Send Invitation button in Invite Partner form
  • Check if you typed in the Partner Name correctly, it should have up to 32 characters
  • Check if you typed in the Partner Email correctly, it should be in the format of name@domain.extensionand up to 64 characters
  • Check that you ticked the tickbox next to "I confirm this person agreed to receive an invited to my partner network"
  • If the problem persists, contact us on


We assume you are logged in and ready to use your PartnerPlace account.


In this page, we show you the process of inviting a partner in you ParterPlace portal.

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